Texas Ranger Armed with Hawken Rifle and two Flintlock Pistols
Texas Ranger Armed with Shotgun & Flintlock Pistol
Dismounted Texas Ranger wearing a Forage Cap Firing a Colt Paterson .36
Dismounted Texas Ranger Kneeling Loading Cylinder into an 1847 Colt Walker Pistol
Dismounted Texas Ranger about to fire Levelled Double-Barreled Flintlock "Fowler" Shotgun
Dismounted Texas Ranger Advancing with Sword, Pistol and an 1841 Mississippi Percussion Rifle
Texas Ranger Kneeling with an 1851 Colt Dragoon Pistol while extracting an Arrow from his Shoulder. Seperate Top Hat included.
Texas Ranger Firing 0.54 1836 Flintlock Pistol While pulling and Arrow from His Leg
Jack "Coffee" Hays urging his men forward with raised 0.52 Hall Percussion Rifle
Dismounted Texas Ranger Loading 1816 US Percussion Rifle
Dismounted Texas Ranger Loading 0.36" No.5 Colt Paterson
Dismounted Texas Ranger Turning to Fire a "Long Tom" Shotgun
Dismounted TexasRanger Advancing with Mississippi Rifle and Sword
Mounted Texas Ranger Trooper Armed with a Pepper-box Pistol and Two Flintlock Pistols
Texas Ranger Trooper Armed with Meek Rifle & a Brace of Flintlock Pistols
Young Texas Ranger with Colt Paterson 0.36 Pistol held high and another tucked in his Belt
Big Foot Wallace, Texas Ranger, Armed with 1841 Percussion Rifle & Sword
Texas Blue Lacy Hunting Dog