French Marine Officer with Pistol and Sword. Can used for all French Regular and Auxiliary troops of the period.
French Marine Officer Gesturing with Pistol. Can used for all French Regular and Auxiliary troops of the period.
French Marine Officer Gesturing with Sword. Can used for all French Regular and Auxiliary troops of the period.
French Marine Marching with Shouldered Rifle. Can also be used as French Foreign Legion.
French Marine Advancing at the Double. Can also be used as French Foreign Legion.
French Marine Advancing Steadily. Can also be used for French Foreign Legion.
French Marine Standing Firing. Can Also be used as French Foreign Legion.
French Marine Kneeling at the Ready. Can be Used as French Foreign Legion.
French Marine Infantry Sergeant Inspiring
French Marine Infantry Trumpeter Advancing
French Marine Infantry Kneeling Firing
French Marine Infantry Standing Leaning into RifleFiring
French Marine Infantry Standing Defending
French Marine Infantry Kneeling Defending
French Marine Infantry Advancing Lowered Rifle
French Marine Infantry Advancing Raised Rifle
French Marine with Blanket Roll Advancing
French Marine with Blanket Roll Advancing Briskly
French Marine with Blanket Roll At The Ready
French Marine with Blanket Roll at Present Arms
French Marine with Blanket Roll Kneeling At The Ready
French Marine with Blanket Roll Loading Taking Cartridge from Pouch
French Marine with Blanket Roll At Attention
French Marine with Blanket Roll Kneeling Firing
French Marine with Blanket Roll Standing Firing
French Marine Sergeant with Blanket Roll Inspiring His Men Forward
French Marine Trumpeter with Blanket Roll Advancing